Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Moores
Year 5 Teacher
Hello and a very warm welcome to year five!
I am looking forward to teaching you all for the year ahead.
We have a specialist sports coach (Sports Coaching Group) for PE on a Tuesday and I will be teaching the additional PE lesson on a Friday.
We are also delighted to be continuing the Mini Medics sessions for Year 5 on a Wednesday. This is a series of 6 sessions during the Autumn term. When Mini Medics sessions are running, this will replace our Friday PE session. Details will be communicated in the weekly newsletter.
Mr Stannard will be taking you for music each Wednesday morning and on a Thursday morning, we will be joined by Madame Carter to learn some new languages.
We will be covering some interesting topics throughout the year including:
- Volcanoes and Earthquakes
- Romans
- Vikings & Anglo-Saxons
These topics will be linked to subjects from the National Curriculum such as: English (reading and writing), Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art and D&T.
I hope you have a wonderful summer and I can’t wait to see you in September!
General Class Information
- P.E: Please make sure you come to school in your P.E kit on Tuesdays & Fridays for our lessons. Please ensure all kit is named and follows school policy.
- Drinks: Please make sure you child has a water bottle for drinking during the day. Water bottles must only contain water - no juice or fizzy drinks are permitted
- Snacks: One healthy snack a day with a treat permitted on Friday only.
- Coats: Please ensure your child brings a coat into school (labelled)
- Homework: Please refer to the 'Year 5 class - Homework '2024-25' at the top of this page.
- Forest School Activities: If it is your turn to visit the wooded area on the school grounds, please make sure you are dressed appropriately – arms and legs covered.
Files to Download
Year 5: Calendar items
Year 5 - Class trip to Deva Centre, by Mrs Tinker
Easter Service in Church - KEY STAGE 2, by Mrs Tinker
Year 5 - Forest School AM, by Mrs Tinker