“Let your light shine, so that others may see the good you do.”

- Inspired by Matthew 5:16

Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mr Goodwin

Mr Goodwin

Year 4 Teacher

Hello to my Year 4 children,

I am very excited about being your teacher in Year 4 and helping you be the ‘best versions of yourself’. I have high expectations of all of you to achieve your full potential in Year 4 and intend that we have lots of fun along the way.

As well as the Core Subjects of English, Maths, Science and RE, we have lots of amazing topics planned, which we will be diving into throughout the year. We will be looking at Kenya and comparing it to our local area in Geography and studying the Ancient Civilisations of Maya and Greece in History. 

Towards the end of Year 4, you will be sitting a Statutory Times Tables Check. We will do lots of preparation for this in school throughout the year and is nothing to worry about. You can also practice at home using Times Tables games and Apps that can be downloaded for free.

We have a specialist sports coach taking PE on a Monday and I will be teaching the additional PE lesson on a Thursday.  Mr Stannard will be taking the music lessons on a Wednesday, and Madam Carter will be teaching French on a Thursday. 

General Class Information 

  • P.E: Please make sure you come to school in your P.E kit on Monday & Thursday for our lessons. Please ensure all kit is named and follows school policy.
  • Drinks: Please make sure you child has a water bottle for drinking during the day. Water bottles must only contain water - no juice or fizzy drinks are permitted
  • Snacks: One healthy snack a day with a treat permitted on Friday only.
  • Coats: Please ensure your child brings a coat into school (labelled)
  • Homework: Please refer to the 'Year 4 class - Homework 2024-25' at the top of this page.
  • Forest School Activities: If it is your turn to visit the wooded area on the school grounds, please make sure you are dressed appropriately – arms and legs covered.


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