Reception 2024 - 2025
Mr Bradley
EYFS Teacher, School Inclusion Manager/SENDCo
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
SLT - Pastoral & Inclusion Lead
Welcome to the Reception class page!
My name is Mr Bradley, and I am the Reception teacher. Miss Haslam, our amazing EYFS TA, works alongside me in Reception throughout the week delivering our curriculum. Miss Threadgold will also be helping out on a couple of mornings or afternoons.
We have lots of great things planned for the children this year, and we can’t wait for them to start their first year at Lower Peover.
We follow a literacy-based curriculum plan which means many of our activities will have a theme that is linked to our main text or topic. When the children start in September the theme will be ‘You, Me & School’. Where we will celebrate ourselves, learn about each other and our families, becoming more comfortable with our peers, classroom, the surroundings, and school life. They will also take part in school celebrations such as the Harvest Festival.
We will then move on to ‘Terrific Tales’, where we will explore traditional tales, fairytales, and well-known stories. This will also be the run up to Christmas, where the children will perform their own Christmas show.
For more information about the EYFS curriculum, please refer to our curriculum overview.
Over summer, we would like the children to create a scrapbook filled with their summer holiday adventures and/or information about themselves. We will then share these across the first half term with the class. This will support the children’s communication skills, discussing the content in front of their peers.
A big aspect of the Reception curriculum is the teaching of phonics and learning to read. Phonics lessons happen daily in line with our phonics programme, Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. In the first half term, I will deliver a parent meeting to discuss how this can be supported at home, what resources can be used, and about our approach to reading. Throughout the year the children will work towards reading simple sentences more fluently, using their knowledge to sound out and decode where necessary.
Initially, wordless books will be sent home. Phonetically decodable books will eventually be sent home, in line with our phonics scheme, but please introduce other books to children too, because even just listening to stories improves their vocabulary and aids them with their reading and writing.
PE lessons will take place on a Tuesday with one of our sport coaches, and I will be teaching PE for the additional lesson on a Friday. On Wednesdays Mr Stannard will come in and do some singing and musical activities.
Throughout the year, we will also have half termly 'stay and play' sessions, where family members are invited to attend sessions where they will take part in a planned activity in school with their children. These are lots of fun, and allow you to interact with your child in their learning environment. These have already been communicated, but keep a look out for emails and on the newsletters for further information about these sessions.
We look forward to having the children in the classroom, enjoying their first year in school.
General Class Information
- P.E: Please make sure you come to school in your P.E kit on Tuesday & Friday for our PE lessons. Please ensure all kit is named and follows school policy.
- Drinks: Please make sure you child has a named water bottle for drinking during the day. Water bottles must only contain water - no juice or fizzy drinks are permitted
- Snacks: Will form part of the children's continuous provision, but children can bring in a treat snack on Fridays.
- Coats: Please bring your coats and hats/gloves into school for outdoor play in the winter months. Wellies and waterproofs can be left in school so that we can access the outdoor areas in all weathers.
- Forest School Activities: If it is our turn to visit the wooded area on the school grounds, please make sure you are dressed appropriately – arms and legs covered.
Files to Download
Reception: Calendar items
Reception - Forest School AM, by Mrs Tinker
Reception Parents - Stay & Play (2pm onwards), by Mrs Tinker
Book Fair - Reception & Year 1 classes, by Mrs Tinker